Are we wrong to say that relaxing seems to be the last thing on our ever growing to-do list? Everyday it seems that we have a million and one things to do with no breather in site. So how do we start learning to relax a bit in a society that is obsessed with working long hours and multi-tasking?
Here are a few ideas we think are easy to implement everyday:
1. Don’t pick up your phone for the first 30 minutes of being awake
Admit it! As soon as we get up, we go straight to our phones! Going straight to your social media or email doesn’t let you peacefully start your day but instead puts you in autopilot.Give it a try for a couple of days and let us know how much better you feel! ☺
2. Meditate for 15 Minutes
Yes, we’ve all heard it so many times – but meditating REALLY does bring the sense of calm we all need. If having some guidance will help you focus then we recommend using meditation apps on your phone! We like Headspace, Calm or The Mindfulness app – these are great because they can help you get centered anywhere you are – so there is really no excuse not to do it!
3. Schedule Me Time
We agree that it can be difficult to schedule me time when your calendar is overflowing with work commitments but it’s so essential to our well-being. Maybe that means sitting at a cafe with a book and glass of wine or going to the movies by yourself -(a personal favorite!) but making time to just to sit alone is necessary.
4. Take A Walk
Hey, we are not telling you to take an hour for lunch everyday – all we’re saying is to get out for a short walk – we promised the fresh air alone will center you. Most people think working through the day and eating at their desks while taking calls and meetings means that they are being more productive but they really aren’t…because you will eventually crash. Taking a few minutes a day to clear your head will only make your mind sharper and more productive.
5. Remember hobbies?
Picking up a sport or hobby can alleviate stress. A study from the American Psychological Association found that average stress levels in the United States have risen since 2014, with 24 percent of people saying they experience extreme stress. Picking up hobbies, even if it’s just here and there, can help us relax and feel less bothered by external life factors we can’t control. Hobbies like yoga, gardening, knitting or swimming are said to lower stress levels.