Expand Your Vision in 2012

by Melody Morrow

According to yourdictionary.com the word “vision” is defined as eyesight, something that is or has been seen or something imagined. An example of vision is what someone sees when they open their eyes, a beautiful person in someone’s line of sight or what a person imagines their ideal home to look like.”

Many eyewear companies have had the vision–pardon the pun–to include eco-optics or sustainable specs into their eyeglass inventory. As a burgeoning fashion trend, you can find eyeglasses comprised of natural and recycled materials such as wood, bamboo, glass bottles, bicycle parts, old records, etc. instead of metals and plastics. Some of them may even be handcrafted from an optical artisan. If you would like to recycle your mom’s old pair or even your grandmother’s check out ways to donate them at ecolife online. If vintage tickles your fancy, you may want to check out a fun site to see what famous females were wearing in their day-like Audrey Hepburn.

Many of the companies manufacture their brands in the US and observe a variety of sustainability and philanthropy efforts. Below is my list of eco18 green visionaries who focus in on more than just fashion.

Amy Sacks- http://www.amysacks.com

Drift Eyewear- http://www.drifteyewear.com

Earth Conscious Optics (ECO)- http://www.eco-optics.com-maed

Good Wood- http://goodwoodnyc.com

Herrlicht- http://www.herrlicht.de

ICU Wear- http://www.icueyewear.com/

Linkskin- http://www.linkskin.com/

Polaroid Eyewear- http://opticalvisionresources.com/polaroid-eco-friendly-lense

Proof- http://www.iwantproof.com/

Rolf Spectacles- http://www.rolf-spectacles.com

Schwood Eyewear http://shwoodshop.com/

Sires Eyewear- http://www.sireseyewear.com/

Spectacle Eyeworks- http://www.spec-eyeworks.com

Stella McCartney- http://www.stellamccartney.com

Tom’s Shoes Eyewear- http://www.toms.com/eyewear

Urban Spectacles-http://www.urbanspectacles.com

Warby Parker- http://www.warbyparker.com/

You may want to make another kind of fashion statement the next time you buy a pair of eyeglasses. Read to someone who has trouble seeing, perhaps?

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