This Sunday, I will be running my fifth marathon–the TCS New York City Marathon! I have a love/hate relationship with running marathons, but there really is no better feeling than running across the finish line after 26.2 miles. Over the years that I have…Read More
This Sunday is Active Nation Day, a day dedicated to improve women’s physical and mental health and to create a more active world. It is the initiative of the leading active wear brand, Lorna Jane, and although it was celebrated…Read More
September is National Yoga Month, designed to both educate people about the health benefits of yoga and to inspire a healthy lifestyle. During September, yoga studios and teachers are encouraged to offer free yoga classes and events. Unfortunately, commuting to…Read More
It’s hard to keep track of all the new fitness studios that are popping up on every street corner in New York. So I decided to try out a handful of them and give you my top five. Enjoy! 1.…Read More
Barefoot running is a trend that quickly picked up speed, a few years back. Basically it is running in a way that mimics being barefoot by either running without shoes, or running in a pair of thin-soled shoes. Being a…Read More
I’ll just go ahead and say it now: I’m obsessed with my dog. I’m so obsessed, in fact, that sometimes I forget that he is not my two-year-old son and that he can’t actually come with me wherever I go.…Read More
Have you ever experienced what I like to call, “rundom?” That feeling you get on your fourth run of the week when you feel like the first half mile was actually six? Don’t get me wrong, I love to run.…Read More
It’s summertime and for most of us that means being outside in the nice weather! Why be stuck inside working out when there is plenty to do outside. While walking the Hudson River Park along the Westside highway I discovered…Read More
It’s safe to say that yoga has swept the nation. There are a huge amount of classes offered all around the world. Bikram, ananda, hatha, and hot yoga are just a few. Yoga has been known to provide health benefits…Read More
Your typical morning includes hitting snooze two or three times, gulping a tall, steaming mug of caffeine before running out of the house, and slogging through an exhausting commute only so you can recount it to coworkers over a second…Read More