While states are beginning to open up across the country, many people are still in the midst of stay-at-home orders, or are simply unable to visit their mothers for a number of reasons, including if she is in a vulnerable category or if travel restrictions on certain states make it impossible to leave. For all of us who have to celebrate this holiday from afar, here are some ideas on how to make your virtual Mother’s Day one of the best yet.

Set Up A Zoom Brunch
We all know that if your state is still in lockdown, getting on a Zoom call sounds almost as fun as watching the grass grow in your backyard. But in a time where many of us can’t see the physical faces of our loved ones, having a little time to look at your mom and show her you care goes a long way.
Instead of making it just any old boring Zoom call, spice it up by making it a Zoom brunch! If you’re all in the same area, you can order from the same restaurant so that you’re “brunching” together. If that’s not possible, everyone can either “BYOB” (bring your own brunch) or you can coordinate to cook the same meal so it feels more like you’re sharing it. Finally, just because you’re stuck at home does not mean your brunch can’t come with all the fixings for Mimosas or Bloody Marys!

Host a “Game Day”
Since the stay-at-home orders popped up across the country, so did a number of games that are easy to share across the Internet! Jackbox.TV has party pack games like Quip-lash (an “Apples to Apples”-eqsue game where players share their funniest “quips” and the others vote on their response), Monopoly and Uno are available in both the Android and Apple app stores so people can play against each other, and you can always do an old fashioned Trivia game without all the bells and whistles of technology. With a game day, you can feel closer together when you’re far apart!

Run a Virtual 5K
If your mom is more of the active type, why not try suggesting a Virtual 5K? Mother’s Day Virtual Run/Walk allows participants to choose any route they wish (even their own neighborhood) and walk, jog, or run either a 5K, 10K, or Half Marathon. Just head to their site to sign up!

Send Her a Gift Card to Her Favorite Local Business
It’s no secret that local businesses are struggling no matter where in the country you are. One of the best ways to support local businesses during this time is to buy gift cards, as gift cards act as micro-loans to a business. When you buy a gift card, you are giving a business money now in the promise that one day they will “reimburse” you when you return with services or products (that’s why Chipotle, Starbucks, and Barnes and Noble have all cashed in on 99 million dollars’ worth of unused gift cards in 2017!). If Mom loves a local coffee shop or bookstore, show her you care by helping a business she loves dearly stay afloat in these difficult times.

Watch Virtual Home Movies
While you can’t do a screen share of a Netflix or an Amazon Prime show (darn you technology!), you can still do screen shares of video content you already own. While this could be your ripped MP4 of Frozen 2, it could also be any home videos that you might have already digitized. Take a walk down memory lane with the family, and share some laughs over what Jimmy did at Bobby’s birthday party back in 1993.
No matter how you choose to celebrate this day, remember that while we may have to be apart for the short term, there is nothing like the ingenuity of family to make you feel close together no matter where you are.