Thinking about Mother’s Day—and as I’m cleaning up the mess in my kitchen that I created by not securing the top on the blender while rushing to finish some asparagus soup—my grandmother’s voice comes into my head as it so…Read More
While household cleaning products are necessary for maintaining and attractive and healthily living environment in the home and at work, they have the potential to negatively impact indoor air quality. The fumes generated from household items such as ammonia, chlorine…Read More
When a plastic bottle is recycled, it has the potential to be used in many different ways. Often times these bottles are used to create other plastic products like plastic bags, detergent bottles, outdoor fencing and office equipment. Apparel company,…Read More
This past weekend, I was frantically pushing the mower around the yard trying to get it cut before the rain commenced when I glanced my neighbor doing the same thing. Upon closer inspection, my neighbor was actually pushing a cart…Read More
In honor of Earth Day this week, we have decided to gather a list of our favorite green products. The list we have compiled proves that whether its food, beauty products or something even for our pets, there are numerous…Read More
The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22nd, 1970 and approximately 20 million people took part nationwide. Born in the 1970s myself, I can honestly say I have no memory of celebrating Earth Day in my younger years. I…Read More
Internships are the best way to get a foothold in a career door you may never get otherwise. The tricky part for finding a green internship is that they may not be listed as such in your college or otherwise.…Read More
Spring is here and that means its time to get cleaning. The warm temperatures and long hours of sunshine will have you thinking about cleaning your home from the winter slush, all the “stuff” you’ve collected over the past few…Read More
I cannot even believe it’s almost Easter. When it was less than two weeks away, my husband and I decided to play hosts for Easter this year. Since the weather has been so beautiful, we figured it would give the…Read More
If you have the opportunity to attend college, or university, as some call it, you usually research schools you would like to attend with many reasons in mind, but do you think, hey…where can I get an eco-friendly education? While…Read More