Happy Third Birthday to Eco18!

by Sue Taggart

As I look back on the letter from our second birthday, I am struck by the opening sentence “It has certainly been a tumultuous year for planet earth–floods, fires, tornados, terrorist attacks–the list goes on”…..I could say exactly the same thing this year. This past winter on the East Coast was brutal with record breaking snowstorms and freezing temperatures while the drought conditions on the West Coast severely affected farmers and our food supply. I hate to be the voice of gloom and doom, but people wake up and see the Climate Changes!

We seem to be immune to what’s happening to our planet and ourselves. Perhaps we are all on information overload. Maybe we don’t want to face up to the consequences. So on this third birthday I want to celebrate our beautiful green and blue planet. I encourage you to go outside and spend a little time with Mother Nature …turn off the smart phone and let all your senses soak up everything around you. Don’t think, just feel.

Change is not always easy, it’s not always convenient, but when the stakes are so high it is necessary.

So as we move into our third year, we will be continuting to bring you news and views on ways to help sustain this beautiful planet of ours…..it’s only on loan, we do not own it, it’s a privilege to share it with the millions of species that inhabit it with us. Let’s try to live in harmony and actively seek ways to sustain and nurture our environment, nature, and our relationships for ourselves and the generations to come.

In honor of this special day, let’s take a look at some of our readers’ favorite articles from the past year!

1. http://eco18.com/air-pollution-how-to-deal-when-you-have-asthma/


2. http://eco18.com/february-18-questions-rodale-institutes-coach-mark-smallwood/

3. http://eco18.com/get-your-greens-on/

4. http://eco18.com/june-pet-of-the-month-angie/

5. http://eco18.com/6-tips-to-take-to-the-farmers-markets/


Did we miss any of your favorite articles? Let us know!

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