This month we celebrate Women History Month and it’s the perfect time to address some of the issues that affect women, and that are not always openly discussed, such as infertility, sexuality, and other aspects related to feminine wellness. That’s why our March Eco Maven is Treasure Thompson, AKA The Yoniologist and president and CEO of TreasureGemz the holistic healing and self-care e-commerce website specialized in educating women seeking an alternative path to self-care.
1. What’s your occupation?
I am a full-time mother and entrepreneur. I have several businesses under my umbrella which consist of organic healing products, skin and womb products, several varieties of yoga and I create women’s empowering events.

2. What did you major in?
I majored in life! I received my high school diploma on time in 2004. I was already a mom in high school so I went straight into the work world to ensure I could provide for my family. I went to hair school, I dropped out, went to nursing school, and became a CNA, Phlebotomist & Specialty Unit Nursing Assistant. Most of my life journey has been an entrepreneurial one. I have consistently worked for myself even when employed.
3. Tell us about TreasureGemz?
TreasureGemz is my brand name. The products that TreasureGemz has are available online or available for pick up in Los Angeles, CA. The brand originally catered to feminine healing, restoration, and vaginally rejuvenation but now is a full Holistic Healing Website with skin and womb products. I provide the tools needed to strengthen your pelvic floor, treat and prevent unwanted vaginal odors, and also lift your energy. I have a collection of GIA-certified Yoni eggs that are available in nephrite, black obsidian, amethyst, rose quartz, and red jasper. Each stone has unique healing and aligning prosperities. These natural stones have healing abilities that I have detailed in the descriptions for each stone or crystal listed on my website Our organic Yoni healing steam tea that treats, prevents, and eliminates odors, Yeast & recurring BV.
TreasureGemz has now expanded and has been creating products for skin, bath, and hair. Healing is for inside, outside, mentally, and emotionally. TreasureGemz has a few products to do just that & more.
4. What are some of the needs you see are more pressing among women, and why?
With women, the needs are only known when they are expressed. So, when healing some issues that are talked about, others are more of a guessing game. More common than not, women are unaware of their own body and how it develops over time. This causes women to seek advice, education or words of encouragement for a lot of things not just vaginal. The most common issue I come across with women is vaginal odors. I get maybe 5-10 messages every other day for just this issue and it can be maintained very easily without a round of medications or injections.
Women need to be more aware of their discharge, menstrual cycles, and sex partners. I’m proud to say several women have contacted me after using my products and have not had vaginal odors since using TreasureGemz.
5. Is there a particular time in a woman’s life to learn more alternative self-care?
The time for a woman to seek alternatives to healing is when she observes the need. There is no age limit to start your Holistic Healing Journey. This is not something you can pressure people into because for some it’s so new. A doctor is a doctor, and we know they went to school to be able to tell us what’s wrong with us. That’s what we are trained as children to believe. What we need to do is to listen to our own instincts and act upon them. We know ourselves, energy, mind, and body better than anyone else does. We just don’t trust ourselves although we should. If you’re having consistent vaginal issues and medications are not working or it’s a recurring infection, you need to listen to your body and do something different, perhaps something more organic, natural and see the difference.
6. One of the practices that you recommend is Yoni yoga. What are some of the benefits of it? Is the use of healing crystals necessary to get the full advantages of these exercises?
Yes, I love Yoni yoga! It’s a womb-based exercise and poses modified to improve vaginal strengthening, personal posture and promote good energy. You can do Yoni yoga with or without the Yoni eggs. The Yoni egg is a vaginal weight that is just used as an assistant to you while you work your kegel exercises during a session. You insert, squeeze and release. The benefit of using the Yoni egg is to enhance your vaginal grip and sensitivity. This is also a great way to enhance orgasms during intimacy naturally for both partners.

7. What are the most common requests you get from your customers?
The most common requests I receive are from women seeking fertility alternatives, to naturally get pregnant with IVF treatments. Yoni eggs promote fertility and with the combination of Yoni steaming and using Yoni eggs I have helped so many women achieve their goal of successfully getting pregnant, carrying to term, and giving birth to beautiful children.
8. What role does stress play in the issues you often see in women?
Stress is one of the biggest silent killers. Stress is tricky for some because it’s hard to notice when someone is covering it up.
Vaginal issues for women will stress out their whole day! Imagine having to take giant pills daily for 7-14 days just to have the same infection come back 4 days later. If you smell a woman with odor trust me, she smells it’s too. That would upset anyone’s day, week, or month depending on the severity of the infection. Life is stressful as well, but there are so many factors in stress which can upset your pH and cause you to have odors as well.
9. What other holistic activities can you recommend for women that are going through natural body changes, but still want to feel empowered, sexual, mental, emotional, and physical?
I encourage all women to dig deep inside themselves to find what they are missing and fill the need immediately. The mental capacity that women have to attain balance is enormous. Most changes are first visual, women look at themselves and see an imperfection, weight, acne, or scars from childbirth.
First, remember how you got it or why you have that imperfection and embrace it. Accepting ourselves is the key to finding alternatives to healing holistically. Aligning your energy can be done with massages, sound baths, ocean views, listening to music, or dancing. Dancing is my favorite because it lifts me up mentally, physically, emotionally and the moves sexually empower me to try them in the bedroom!
10. Is COVID-19 having an impact on the way how women are approaching their intimate life?
I believe covid is making an impact on the approach to intimacy because people are literally scared of new contacts. Dating is hard because people want to stay safe and the places to meet people and make a connection are limited or simply not accessible. Online connections are mostly through websites or through apps, but regular intimacy in my opinion has declined since the pandemic.
11. Tell us about your educational courses?
I have several courses that help women learn about the natural processes our bodies go through as we age or go through changes that are hereditary. I have created healing courses to show you how to effectively steam your Yoni at home conventionally or with the electric steamer, available on my website, and I’m also creating courses for women seeking alternatives to naturally healing and rejuvenating their vagina.
12. What organic products do you recommend for common female issues, ranging from skincare to womb healing?
I believe all women should have at least one Yoni egg. Explore the healing abilities and see if it works for you. The organic Yoni healing steam tea is a great way to maintain and balance your pH. One steam and you will notice the results! Skincare is always different because it depends on your skin type. Oily and dry skin have two different methods to heal and maintain, but TreasureGemz Goddess Glow Foaming Face Wash is for all skin types, men and women. You can use a light moisturizer after washing your face if you have dry skin.

13. Tell us about your star products, what makes them special?
My star products would be the Yoni eggs and Yoni Steam. They are the stars because I promote them more than any of the other products on the website. They are two really good products that work! I can’t stress enough that they really work! I love the results myself and the testimonies I receive are letting me know everyone using them loves them too!
What makes them special is the fact that they are real products from the earth. Naturally grown herbs and crystals that came from the earth shaped and polished in the shape of an egg.
14. What makes your products stand out from others with similar approaches?
My products will always stand out because of the way I promote them. I always use the best quality of products manufactured and I use the best products for my handmade items. My goal is not to simply sell products, but to educate about the many healing benefits of using natural and organic products as an alternative treatment to heal and restore your womb.
I intend for TreasureGemz products to only reach the people that truly are ready for a holistic approach to healing. This is a lifestyle change, not a product change, and should not be pushed on anyone that is not open to natural healing methods.
15. What sustainable protocols do you have in place in your company?
Currently, TreasureGemz is expanding the brand to promote healthy and clear skin.
Creating subscription plans and TreasureGemz Boxes to ensure consistent care for all women.
16. Who inspires you?
I inspire me, first and foremost because I know what I’m looking to do in life, and I’m going to do it. My children inspire me to be greater than I was yesterday. My spouse inspires me to take risks. My family inspires me to keep going knowing that I always have their unconditional love and my best friends inspire me to push the limits because they believe in me significantly. They all inspire me because sometimes you don’t believe in yourself and them all believing in me keeps me going.
17. If you could have a conversation with anyone living or deceased, who would it be?
The only person I would want to have a conversation with is my mother. She is deceased and passed away when I was 9 years old. I’ve lived so long without parental guidance, I would love to know what she thinks about me, how I’m living? The choices I’ve made, and how can I do better.
18. Are there any future plans for TreasureGemz you can share with us?
TreasureGemz is going to be a household brand and on shelves everywhere soon!
I am going to be creating events again soon and the first event will be the grand opening of my very own spa!