“A Stronger, More Resilient New York”

by Nick Livermore

On Tuesday, NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg unveiled the $20 billion+ plan to shore up New York City in the face of climate change. The plan, part of PlaNYC, will ensure New York City is shored up further in the event of coming storms as well as bettered prepared for future emergencies. Bloomberg aims to implement much of the plan within the next 200 days – marking one year since Hurricane Sandy wreaked havoc upon the city.

“We haven’t waited for Washington to lead on climate change, we’ve attacked the problem head-on, just as many other cities are now doing. And through the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, which I’ve chaired since 2010, we’re working with mayors around the world to share strategies for lowering emissions even further.” – Mike Bloomberg, June 12, 2013
Here’s a break down of what you need to know:
  • New York City has more coastline (520 miles) than Miami, Boston, Los Angeles and San Francisco combined.
  • The plan has more than 250 recommendations for the erection of flood walls, levees and bulkheads along the coastline.
  • While $20 billion seems an exorbitant sum, Hurricane Sandy alone caused over $19 billion in damages alone.
  • New York City will pay $10b, Federal funds will cover another $5b and the remainder will be raised by the City.
  • By 2050, up to one-quarter of all of NYC’s land area, where 800,000 residents live today, will be in a floodplain.
  • The number of days with more than two inches of rainfall will grow from three in the last century to five in the 2050s.
  • “A Stronger, More Resilient New York” has the support of a very notable roster of politicians, experts and more.
  • Sea levels could rise up to 11 inches in the 2020s, which would put the city’s coastline in jeopardy including 400,000 residents and 454 million square feet of buildings.
  • The plan thoroughly outlines guidance and initiatives for emergency services, utility companies, healthcare and hospitals

Read the transcript here.

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