AI, or artificial intelligence, has been one of the buzziest words in tech for the last few years. While many Sci-Fi movies of old pictured AI as actual humanoid robots (or as little Haley Joel Osment’s), the actual function of…Read More
The eco18 team is now in their fourth week of “social distancing,” “self-quarantine” and waiting for the curve to flatten. All east coast based, in and around New York and New Jersey, we are basically at the epicenter of the…Read More
Even if you didn’t know it, you’ve probably had an interaction with NASA’s Hubble Telescope. Photos like the ones below are famous worldwide and explain never-before-seen astronomy phenomena. Do you recognize any? The launch of the Hubble Space Telescope, according…Read More
Eco18 recently attended the third Regenerative Earth Summit: SOIL + WATER + CLIMATE, joining global leaders in Boulder, Colorado to learn how they are tackling climate change and the health of the planet through the power of commerce and collaboration.…Read More
This article was updated on October 4th, 2021 My fellow eco-friendlies! Today, across the world, the leading minds of sustainability will be kicking off a month of promotions of a better urban future starting with World Habitat Day, which encourages the…Read More