How to Make Your AC Eco-friendlier In Six Steps

by Guest Writer

This article was guest written by Jane Marsh.

When summer arrives, you and your family probably crank up your air conditioner to deal with the heat. Unfortunately, your unit isn’t the best for the planet. These systems release around 117 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year.

If you want to help support the Environment, you can take steps to make your AC eco-friendly.

  • Choose a High-Efficiency System

Keep in mind that all AC systems are different. Those with high Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) scores are more energy-efficient than others. If you’re in the market for a new AC unit, you’ll save energy and money when you pick one with a higher SEER rating.

  • Seal Window and Door Gaps

When cold air escapes from your house, your air conditioner must work harder to compensate for the loss. That situation creates more energy use, which in turn contributes to greenhouse gases. Be sure to seal all windows and doors so you’ll be able to conserve some energy.

  • Pick the Correct Size

To ensure your AC unit doesn’t require excess power, you should pick the correct size. If your system is too small, your home won’t feel as cool, which means you’ll have to run the system for a long time. Alternatively, you’ll note that a big unit in a small area is a little overkill.

Therefore, you should determine your AC unit’s size based on your house’s square footage.

  • Think About Renewable Energy

Have you ever considered clean energy for your house? These days, you can use resources like the sun and wind to power your home. Through a renewable energy system, you might save enough money to offset your costs over the next few years. It’s also much better for the planet.

If you use clean energy to power your AC and heating systems, you’ll enjoy the same amenities you enjoy now without the massive carbon footprint.

  • Hire an Expert for Maintenance

Homeowners who neglect their AC systems won’t be able to use them to their fullest. Be sure to hire a professional about once every year to inspect your unit. This way, you can ensure that everything works properly and safely — and your air conditioner will stay in tip-top shape.

These checks are an opportunity to ask for advice, too. If you have questions about lowering your energy bill, you could inquire about changes you can make. It’s also wise to learn how your AC operates. This knowledge can help you find issues before they turn into more significant problems.

  • Keep Up With Lawn Care

People with whole-house air conditioners might want to pay more attention to their lawns. If your unit has debris and other materials on the top or sides, your AC won’t work correctly. It’s always smart to keep that area clean and tidy.

You won’t use your AC unit during the winter, but you should still maintain the outdoor space, so the system is in good condition when summer arrives. Be sure to remove all leaves, twigs, and branches. When warm weather comes, you’ll want to double-check the system so you know no damage has occurred.

As a result, your AC system won’t use any excess energy to cool your house.

These Tips Will Help Your AC Work in a Sustainable Way

There’s nothing like a cool indoor space to help you retreat from the hot summer sun. But before you crank up the AC, you should take a few steps to ensure your system isn’t overly harmful to the Environment. To make your air conditioner more sustainable, you should try these tricks.


Jane is an environmental writer and the founder and editor-in-chief of Environment. She covers sustainability and eco-friendly living.

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