18 Questions: Tanya Wright

by Guest Writer

Each month we ask a new eco-maven 18 questions about his or her life, occupation, and advice for other like-minded people. This month we connected with Tanya Wright, otherwise known as Crystal Burset on Orange is the new Black!

1.What is your name?

Tanya Wright! aka Crystal Burset of ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK 🙂

2. What is your occupation?


3. Do you have a “green” memory growing up?

I’m a minimalist to the core– I realized this early on. I generally don’t like waste of any kind.

4. What’s your favorite meal?

Pizza! I’m a New Yorker!!

5. Who/what inspires you to be more “green” in your life?

Leonard DiCaprio.

6. Where on the “green scale” do you fall?

Probably a 7.

7. What are the most rewarding and most challenging parts of your job?

Rewarding: creative, flexible, interesting and ever-changing. Challenging: inconsistency.

8. Where’s your “green spot” food, body care/beauty, oceans, home or neighborhood, explain:

I have a real passion for the environment. If we don’t change our habits we’re gonna have problems of epic proportions. We all have the ability to make a change individually which amounts to a collective change.

9. Where do you turn for your news?

Online outlets.

10. What is one environmental change you vow to make in the next year?

Pretty obsessed with turning off lights and not running the water when I don’t have to! I will probably continue with that.

11. If you could trade places with one person from any time in history (past or present) for one day—who would it be and why?

Mother Theresa. I went to Rome and I had a real need to stay in a Convent while I was there. They were all filled up when I left, but there is something about the life of a nun that appeals to me.

12. You have a meeting with the leader of every country in the world. You have 30 seconds to tell them anything you want. Go!

Institute initiatives where we learn to embrace our fellow humans, no matter what their race, gender, religious beliefs, etc. Acceptance is the key to happiness–and peace.

13. You have the chance to send one tweet to all the tweeps in the world. Let’s hear it in 140 characters, or less!

TIME is a creation of our own making. There is no clock. Free yourself!

14. If there was one industry/product that you could make more eco-friendly, what would it be?

Well, I would want to eliminate plastic bottles completely. If someone could make a substitute for plastic bottles, that would be friggin’ awesome!!!

15. Where in the world would you most like to be right now?

A beach in Aguilla! OY!!!

16. What is the best book you have read recently?

I kinda like mine: I FOUND GOD IN MY HAIR: 98 spiritual principles I learned from my relationship with my hair. It’s about patience, resilience, letting go–all principles I learned from my hair and work to apply in my daily, everyday life. http://www.hairiette.com/products/i-found-god-in-my-hair

17. What makes you cringe?

People being mean and judgmental to one another. Negativity.

18. What do you want your legacy to be?

I want to be a person who inspired others to be their best selves. I try very hard to do that in my work:)


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