My prior article was about women entrepreneurs steeped in natural and eco-friendly businesses and their accomplishments. This article showcases several organizations that support women who want to be able to sustain themselves and their families by becoming entrepreneurs and those…Read More
Now you can have the best of both worlds!! In a recent article in Packaging Digest, a magazine for the packaging industry, it is reported that the wine industry is looking to reduce their carbon footprint by reducing the weight…Read More
There are alot of successful big companies out in the business world, many run by women, but there are so many more successful small businesses and those that aspire to becoming a success. According to the National Women’s Business Council…Read More
Living in the tri-state area, we’re pretty lucky to be surrounded by numerous professional sports teams. While not all of us follow sports, going to the ballpark on a warm spring day seems like a good way to spend a…Read More
Earth Week was a busy time for the Eco18 team and New York had a lot of events going on all around the city to celebrate the 42nd Earth Day. The Eco18 “Green Team” started Earth Week at a NYCLV…Read More
Anyone who has visited, or come within 50 miles, of New York City will be all too familiar with the towering midtown spire of the Empire State Building. Completed in 1931, the building was the world’s tallest from that date…Read More
If you would believe all that the Occupy Wall Street protestors and other similar groups say about business, one would think that all corporations are the evil empire that will bring down this country. Business, commerce or whatever name you…Read More
This article comes from the newest contributor, Megan Biondi. Look for more articles from her soon. With Earth Week on its way, sustainability awareness events are popping up on college campuses across the United States. One event we caught…Read More
Recycle labeling has just been taken up a notch. In an article posted by Lisa McTigue Pierce written by Michael Garry in the Feb. 28, 2012 issue of Packaging Digest, a packaging industry magazine, he notes that as of June…Read More
We came across a rather staggering number the other day – 25 million pounds of plastic beads are tossed around in New Orleans each year, according to the Los Angeles Times. What’s worse is that these beads can’t be recycled…Read More