If you’re planning on spending a lot of time in the woods this summer, it’s always good to brush up on a few safety tips. Even though bear attacks are rare in North America, you can never be too cautious.…Read More
Last week Mario Batali and Bill Telepan submitted an Op-Ed piece to the New York Daily News on the topic of fracking. You may recall an article we did last year breaking down the topic of hydrofracking, which is a…Read More
As more people are becoming educated on green issues, more and more children and young adults are also starting to learn about these important issues and are wanting to do their part to help make a difference. While it may…Read More
A relatively unknown crisis that affects certain crops and consequently our food supply is getting worse now and within the next few years. And this crisis is related to the diminishing population of a small insect, the honeybee. Since the…Read More
April 22, 1970 was the first celebrated Earth Day. Inspired by Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson, 20 million people worldwide–including myself–decided it was time the environment and the planet got some recognition and protection. Earth Day originated in my home town…Read More
Flying a kite is one of the few things that does not use up any form of energy (except your own) to enjoy. There is that initial run to get the kite airborne but once its up you just enjoy…Read More
In the world of “Ancient Grains”, not all of them are actually grains even though they are still included under the same category of true grains such as Kamut® Wheat, millet, sorghum, rye, emmer (farro), teff and spelt. Grains are…Read More
While diamonds are known for being a girl’s best friend, its questionable if they are the planets best friend. It was a few years ago with the movie release of Blood Diamond that attention was drawn to the origin of…Read More
This image does a great job of illustrating everything that music about the environment is not. While I am all for music for your plants, I also like my music loud and varying. Musicians have the power to get us…Read More
It’s New Years Eve—it’s hard to believe it, but another year is upon us! We’re thrilled to have you as part of our eco18 community where we encourage everyone to be the best green they can be. For some of…Read More